eRecruiter enables integration via API with other HR tools and systems such as reporting systems, HR and payroll systems, recommendation programs, NPS surveys, competency tests, voicebots, chatbots, internal communication tools and other global HR solutions. Adjust them to your needs!
Are you our client? Information about partner solutions can be found in the eRecruiter system in the Marketplace tab here. After entering the business card of the selected tool, click the "ask for details" button to learn more about it from your eRecruiter maintainer.
Are you a technology developer and would like to become an eRecruiter HR Marketplace Partner?
Your product supports the HR industry? Or maybe HR is still an undiscovered area for you?
We are happy to support you in developing your business in an industry that has no secrets for us.
Please contact us! Fill out the form here and we will contact you immediately!